How to get rid of an Occidental Allegro Timeshare?

Should you wish to terminate your timeshare, there are specific methods to achieve this. For exiting the Occidental Vacation Club, the following information is crucial;

  1. What actually is a timeshare? Why do people buy one?
  2. Is it possible to donate your Occidental timeshare to a charity?
  3. Can you transfer or sell your Occidental vacation property?
  4. Is there a way to give your Occidental ownership property back to the resort?
  5. How can you avoid and save yourself from timeshare scams?

Remember, whatever path you decide to go down, it’s good to know that there are options to exit your timeshare if you need them. Whether you’re seeking relief from financial burdens or simply want to explore alternative ownership arrangements, understanding these options empowers you to make informed decisions about your timeshare.

What is a timeshare?

Also called “holiday property”, a timeshare is a resort or vacation property divided into a shared or split property. This property is usually in weekly increments. Most of these ownership properties today are with large corporations such as Wyndham, Marriott, or even Disney.

A lot of brands offer a travel club membership style for owners, providing flexibility and personalization for the holidays. Timeshare ownership refers to a situation where multiple individuals share ownership of a vacation property.

However, it is not necessary for each person to own a specific portion of the property. These properties allow owners to have one week’s stay at a time when they can use their shared property. These stays are usually one week but vary depending on the developer and the resort.

Just like numerous other commodities, the ownership varies for each individual. Numerous families relish their yearly holidays in diverse locations, utilizing this service, and are extremely satisfied. They have explored a significant part of the globe, exactly as they envisioned when purchasing their timeshare property.

Nonetheless, at times, the circumstances vary. For certain people, just hearing the word “timeshare” brings up feelings of conflict, stress, and negative encounters, due to several factors that we will delve into later.

How do sellers scam you to buy a timeshare?

Sometimes you buy the membership without knowing very well what you are buying, but such has been the enthusiasm of the seller during the process that it seems the best option; in others, you buy the membership when there is no need for it, or there are also those who buy because they simply lost the debate with the seller if they should buy it or not, or there are also those who have bought timeshares for fascinatingly unreal reasons. In the years that we have been immersed in this business, we have seen the most unusual circumstances; people of all kinds learned that the best friend of timeshare sales is the excessive confidence of prospects who feel smarter than the seller and think that saying “no thank you” will be enough to leave the sales room and get a gift promised for visiting.

So far, everything sounds very good; you may think that you are making the investment of your life in vacation for 40 years, which is how long the contract typically lasts.

  • You sign the contract, and they congratulate you for having become a member. Once you are a member, you read the contract and start using your points, you could realise details that you did not take into account at the time, and that could make you think that you did not make the right purchase. 
  • The seller may mention that you are buying a membership of the most exclusive points system and vacation club with the best destinations. 
  • Be careful; it’s not true, you are buying a timeshare of development only, and this corresponds to what your contract says.
  • The seller could tell you that it is a super special offer valid only during the talk and that you must accept it at that time or you will lose it. False. Every time you stay in a hotel of the inns’ group, they will make you another invitation to make the same offer.
  • The seller can tell you that you will always retain your points because you can exchange them for miles if you do not occupy them in a certain year. 
  • Although you can exchange points for miles, by doing so, you will get half the miles for what you paid.
  • The seller can tell you to convince you that a new complex is being built in Virginia.
  •  The truth is that they have been saying this argument for years, and there is no certainty that it will be built.
  • Worst of all, when you try to make a reservation, it turns out there is never room availability on the dates you want to travel. It is always more difficult to find a room available as a member than by making a reservation as a non-member. It should be the other way around, don’t you think? But since you already paid and signed the contract, you can’t do anything anymore.
  • The seller can tell you that you will have the flexibility to make your reservations. False. There is a table of seasons. There is its own development season. 
  • You must book 12 months in advance, you will have to do it in your own development and the stay must necessarily be one week if you want to book a weekend, you can’t, if you want to book 4 or 5 days you can’t.
  • You will have to pay annual fees in dollars even if you do NOT use your timeshare.
  • The seller can tell you that you can sell, transfer, inherit your membership, or rent lodging nights. The problem is that you have to find the buyer on your own. I invite you to check the online sales platforms. 
  • They are full of ads of people ending their memberships for less than 50% of their value because no one wants to acquire them. If you wanted to rent the nights, with the availability problems, it is practically impossible.
  • In addition, many people have mentioned that once they have been hired, they have received calls from companies that know their name, address, and phone number, offering to cancel their membership, buy their membership, rent weeks of their membership, invitations to stays in other hotels, you run the risk of being a victim of fraud because they do not keep your data private, even though they make privacy a big deal.

What do I do If I don't want my timeshare anymore?

What happens to most members? In less than 3 years you get tired of never being able to travel on the dates you want, and the fee you must pay has been increased in such a way that it is cheaper to make a reservation at another hotel without membership than to continue using the timeshare. That’s when you decide to talk to the operators to say that you no longer want to continue with the membership. The operators tell you that you can NOT cancel the contract, and if you get it cancelled, they will NOT give you back a penny of what you have already paid. Be very careful! Because the contract lasts more or less 40 years.

People who are happy with their timeshare pay for their maintenance on time and with pleasure, and at a certain age, they begin to think about who will inherit it. But what about people who are NOT happy with their timeshare? What options are there? Will someone give you back the money you invested in this?

Depending on the property acquired, there are several options: Some properties have an excellent resale value, however in these times of global crisis, there are not many; the truth … and there are not many people willing to pay good money for timeshare resale properties, the reality is that the supply far exceeds the demand for such properties, negatively affecting resale prices. Some properties, although it sounded like the best option when making the purchase, are actually rights of use with many limitations in terms of season and room, so the future buyer has nothing guaranteed, and therefore the resale price is almost zero.

Contact us and find out how you can change or cancel your property yourself without sending hundreds or thousands of dollars to anyone!

You should do the following to get out of a timeshare;

  • We recommend that you read it carefully before signing any contract since, in most cases, the timeshare contract does not clearly indicate how to end the timeshare, and if it indicates it, you should be aware of the period you will have to terminate the contract.
  • If you wish to terminate your contract, we recommend writing a letter requesting the cancellation of the timeshare contract, including your name, address, contact number, and the date of purchase.
  • Send this letter of termination by registered mail within the termination period stipulated in your contract since sending a registered letter will give you the assurance that they will receive your letter and that they will have to respond to you, always have a copy of the letter you sent at hand.
  • Under the Florida Vacation and Time Sharing Plan Act, only buyers can cancel the contract themselves. 
  • The contract cannot be closed until the timeshare buyer’s cancellation period has expired. 
  • If a closure is made before the expiration date of the cancellation period, it is voidable by the buyer for one year after the expiration of the cancellation period. 
  • It is also illegal for the timeshare seller to try to waive the cancellation rights of the timeshare buyer.

The process of cancelling a contract

To cancel a contract under the Florida Vacation and Timeshare Plan Act, you must notify the seller in writing of your intention to cancel, showing the name and address of the seller in the letter. Your letter as a notice of cancellation is effective on the date of shipment. The closure itself refers to the delivery of the deed document and is prohibited before the allowed cancellation period.

Get a refund

As a buyer, if you cancel your Florida timeshare contract within the allowed period, the developer must reimburse your payments in full, with the deduction of the benefits of the contract you received before the cancellation. The refund must be provided within 20 days after the seller receives the cancellation notice or within five days after the buyer’s check is credited, if this is later.

How to Legally Get Rid of a Timeshare

Exercise your right to terminate the timeshare contract. The contract must have a provision that allows the buyer to rescind it. This period can be as short as three days up to 10 or more. The termination provision will most likely include the assignment of fees or money already deposited and may also include specific fees for terminating the contract.

How long does it take to terminate a timeshare contract?

  • Unfortunately, it is not possible to give an exact duration due to the number of variables involved. 
  • Depending on the country in which you are the owner, the degree of challenge of your station of origin to the cancellation, if you have reasons for financial compensation, or even simply the volume of work that your timeshare lawyer has at a given time, the cancellation of a timeshare contract can take from 6 to 12 months.
  • On the other hand, if your timeshare has not yet been successfully abandoned when your next maintenance bill arrives, you can still use your weeks or points allocated in 2022. 
  • This also applies once your contract is cancelled: you have already paid for the holidays. Just be sure to say “no” to any meeting with a sales representative during your stay, as he will try to convince you to stay at the complex.

What should I do if I plan to cancel a timeshare contract?

If you have made the decision to terminate your contract, it is best to start the process as soon as possible. Even if the reality is that it is probably too late now to avoid paying this year’s maintenance costs, extending the procedure can also make you fall under next year’s bill.

Our team of experienced claims advisors is available to answer all your questions. For professional advice without fees or obligations, please contact us via live chat or the contact form below.

  • Donate the timeshare to a charity: Some organisations use the properties in the process of their fundraising efforts. Although this leaves the owner unable to recover money from the sale of the property, he will legally be rid of the property and free of any future liability. A timeshare donation is a tax-deductible legal action that must be reported as a contribution to charity.
  • Transfer or sell the timeshare: Although it is not a traditional purchase of a property in which you have a title or a deed in your hands, the timeshare can be re-sold or transferred to another person. However, we do not recommend re-selling your timeshare. Here’s an important fact about timeshares: buying one is much easier than selling one.
  • Give the timeshare back to the resort:  As a last resort, the owner can legally get rid of a timeshare by relinquishing his rights to the unit. Although this may result in cancellation fees, loss of deposit, and annual costs, you will have legally disposed of the timeshare. Unfortunately, most ways to eliminate an unwanted timeshare come with downsides. However, you can get rid of them.
  • ASK THE RESORT IF THEY WANT IT BACK: If your timeshare is paid up and you are up to date with the dues, some developers will return the shares. Club Wyndham and Diamond Resorts, with dozens of locations across the United States and abroad, have formal waiver programs, but they come with plenty of strings attached.
  • GIVE UP OR DECLARE BANKRUPTCY: This is not recommended. If you don’t make loan payments or keep up with rates, the resort may foreclose on your account or turn it over to a collection agency. Either way, your credit score will take a big hit. A bankruptcy filing can suspend collection activity and ultimately erase the debt, but that is a solution of last resort.

Cancelling a timeshare contract is expensive and can be overwhelming. Consulting with a timeshare cancellation company may be the only option to get rid of a timeshare once and for all. Don’t fall for scams. We have collected data on thousands of timeshare cancelling companies, and we provide authentic recommendations according to your needs.

We have a team of experts to answer all your questions, explain the process, and keep you informed until you receive the official notification that you are free of the contract. Sign up with us now, and we’ll help you cancel your contract.!

If you are still wondering how to get rid of a timeshare after trying to sell it, you must want to consult the services of a reliable timeshare cancelling company. These companies work with lawyers to cancel your timeshare. You will have to pay them for their services, but your timeshare will be cancelled and your maintenance fees will stop. However, multiple companies are fraudulent and only take your money.

We offer these tips to avoid being scammed:

  • Before making payments or providing credit card information, obtain a written contract describing the services to be provided in detail. Ensure you understand the terms, including fees; whether you can still rent or sell the part on your own; how long the contract will be in force; and who is responsible for documenting and closing any sales.
  • Please note that some resale companies require non-refundable upfront fees. They can range up to hundreds of dollars.
  • Be suspicious of any request for payment by wire transfer, certified bank check, cashier’s check, or money order. These forms of payments leave you little recourse if you run into problems.
  • Deal with a reputable timeshare company. Sign up with us to see if your chosen company is actually going to help you out. We have reviewed hundreds of timeshare cancelling companies and organised all the data on them for your ease. We can recommend you the most suitable company.

Get in touch!

We are here to assist you. Since we have been in this business for a long time, we have a good understanding of how the timeshare industry work and are experienced enough to be able to find the right timeshare canceling company for you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance in resolving this issue.

Sign up to our website and get access to thousands of reviews posted about multiple timeshare exit companies. Leave us your details and we will call you, remember that the advice is free.

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Timeshare Exit Questions? Contact Us!

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Timeshare Exit Questions? Contact Us!

By providing my contact information and clicking ‘submit’, I am giving and its partners permission to contact me about this and other future offers using the information provided. This may also include calls and text messages to my wireless telephone numbers. I also consent to use of emails and the use of an automated dialing device and pre-recorded messages. I understand that my permission described overrides my listing on any state or federal ‘Do Not Call’ list and any prior listing on the ‘Do Not Call’ lists of our partners. I acknowledge that this consent may only be revoked by email notification to