We compare timeshare exit companies so you can make an informed decision.
Why you should trust MyTimeshareExitReviews? We compare timeshare exit companies so you can make an informed decision.

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Can You Get Rid of a Royal Villas Timeshare?

Getting into a timeshare is easy. Sit through a timeshare (controlling your nerves), enjoy some free amenities, and there you are. But the real burden comes when you are in it when you have to pay an unnecessary amount of your hard-earned money. And along with this comes the emotional baggage. It’s like being in a bad, one-sided relationship, where you are invested all of yourself and getting nothing in return. 

  • Royal villas do not differ from other timeshares. The same tactics, the same techniques, and the same chaos. 
  • In Mazatlan, Mexico, a five-star resort called Royal Villas provides a timeshare program. 
  • Owners of timeshares at Royal Villas have access to various facilities and services because RCI, the largest timeshare firm in the world, is a part of its network. 
  • Unfortunately, many Royal Villas timeshare owners are looking for a means to escape their commitments. 

Fortunately, anyone wishing to sell their timeshare at the Royal Villas has a few possibilities. These options include selling the timeshare, contacting a timeshare exit company, or negotiating with a timeshare exit firm. Before choosing one of these options, it is important to thoroughly weigh the risks and rewards of each one because you want to avoid landing in another scam while trying to get out of one.

Royal Villas Timeshare Reviews

There are reviews on the tripadvisor and Yelp that can help you understand how these timeshare for Royal Villas work

  • “We had stayed here about a year ago and only had good things to say … when we went to check in this time we were told that there was a mandatory $550.00 a person all inclusive fee per week. The information was buried on the third page of the RCI reservation confirmation paper, under the description of units and “other things you may find helpful”. I told them I would rather sleep in the street or my rental car, cancelled the reservation, and walked out. Luckily I knew of a very nice B&B that we were able to stay in instead. So though I agree that Royal Villas is a very nice place to stay … the all inclusive fee was a real shocker and definitely a reason for us to be more careful with our reservations in the future.”
  • “My husband is a timeshare owner for over 15 years and we return to Mazatlan and Royal Villas every other year. This year in particularly disturbing as so many little things were off. … Our sink in the bathroom was leaking. It took several calls and several different handy men to fix and we reported it first thing in the morning only to return from an excursion in the evening and it still not be fixed. The furniture is stained on the edges and the rooms are in serious need of an upgrade. Wireless internet was non-existent even though we were provided with two codes. We were even picking up wi-fi from the Costa next door with a stronger signal than we were getting at Royal Villas. What we like is the location and many of the staff have been there and no us. We will be back in 2017…hopefully there will be some changes”

“This is a hotel with a beautiful view of the ocean side, with it’s private beach and clean rooms. There room service is great and very friendly. What I did not like was that I did my booking online and had my confirmation forms, but when I got there, they did not have my reservation and there rooms were almost fully booked. Aside from that they wanted me to put in a deposit to get my room there since they did not book my reservation that I had already paid for. It was truly disappointing and got my vacation on a bad start. Also one of there two available elevators provided for the customers was out of service and the other elevator took a very long time to get to your floor. It’s a nice hotel, but a little more maintenance and organization would not hurt. Other than that, did enjoy the location of the hotel.”

Royal Villas Timeshare

There are reviews on TripAdvisor and Yelp that can help you understand how these timeshare for Royal Villas work.

  • “We had stayed here about a year ago and only had good things to say … when we went to check in, we were told a mandatory $550.00 a person all-inclusive fee per week. The information was buried on the third page of the RCI reservation confirmation paper under the description of units and “other things you may find helpful”. I told them I would rather sleep in the street or in my rental car, cancelled the reservation, and walked out. Luckily, I knew of a very nice B&B that we could stay in instead. So though I agree that Royal Villas is a very nice place to stay, the all-inclusive fee was a real shocker and a reason for us to be more careful with our reservations in the future.”
  • “My husband has been a timeshare owner for over 15 years. We return to Mazatlan and Royal Villas every other year. This year is particularly disturbing as so many little things were off. Our sink in the bathroom was leaking. It took several calls and several handypersons to fix, and we reported it first thing in the morning only to return from an excursion in the evening, and it still needs to be fixed. The furniture is stained on the edges, and the rooms are in serious need of an upgrade. Wireless internet was non-existent even though we were provided with two codes. We were even picking up Wi-Fi from the Costa next door with a stronger signal than we were getting at Royal Villas. We like the location; many staff have been there, not us. We will be back in 2017; hopefully, there will be some changes.”
  • “This hotel has a beautiful view of the ocean side, with its private beach and clean rooms. Their room service is great and very friendly. I wouldn’t say I liked that I made my booking online and had my confirmation forms, but when I got there, they did not have my reservation, and their rooms were almost fully booked. Aside from that, they wanted me to put in a deposit to get my room there since they still needed to book my reservation, which I had already paid for. It was truly disappointing, and I got my vacation on a bad start. Also, one of the two available elevators provided for the customers needed to be in service, and the other elevator took a very long time to get to your floor. It’s a nice hotel, but more maintenance and organisation would be good. Other than that, I did enjoy the location of the hotel.”

Royal Villas Timeshare:

Are you committed to a timeshare at Royal Villas? Not by yourself. Royal Villas have marketed thousands of timeshares in recent years, but customers have complained that it is difficult to terminate their agreements.

  • Staying at Royal Villas is expensive, yet it offers a magnificent lifestyle and lodgings. 
  • Owners must still pay annual maintenance fees and special assessments, even if they utilise their timeshare weeks. 
  • It may be challenging to break the contract due to the accumulation of these costs.

There are several ways to cancel a timeshare with Royal Villas, but they all need much work. According to many timeshare owners, working with a timeshare exit business is the best option to break out of their agreement. These businesses specialise in charging customers to assist timeshare owners in ending their agreements.

You don’t have to go it alone to get out of a timeshare at Royal Villas. You can escape your timeshare and be relieved of the cost of a Royal Villas timeshare with the aid of a timeshare exit company. Contact us to learn more.

Royal Villas Cancellation Policy

Unlike many other resorts, Royal Villas has no cancellation policy or is unavailable online. This means that if you have a timeshare with them and would like to get rid of it, the only way to do so is to contact them directly and speak with a representative. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward guidance on how to do this on Royal Villas’ website, so it is advisable to contact them directly for more information and advice.

Are Timeshares Worth It?

Are timeshares worth it? The answer is no. Timeshares drop in value over the long run, and the lifetime financial responsibility that comes with them can be passed down to your family, depending on the agreement. Furthermore, many timeshare owners regret their purchase because of the high-pressure sales tactics used to get them to sign on the dotted line. So, if you’re thinking of buying a timeshare, think twice and consider all the potential negatives before making a decision.

  • Timeshares can be a major financial burden due to their high upfront cost, annual fees, and long-term contracts. 
  • Additionally, dealing with the complex contracts and fees associated with timeshares can be a major mental burden. 
  • For these reasons, many people find that timeshares are not worth the effort and expense.

On average, a timeshare will cost the buyer $22,942 per year. This cost does not include the additional $1,000 yearly maintenance fees. This means the initial investment is significantly higher than other vacation options, such as a hotel or rental home. Furthermore, timeshares usually depreciate, meaning that the initial investment will likely be recovered. Additionally, since timeshares are usually non-transferable, reselling the unit and recouping any initial investment is difficult. Therefore, it is clear that timeshares are more problematic than a “smart investment” and should be carefully considered before committing to a purchase.

Selling Royal Villas Timeshares

When selling your timeshare, a few options are available. You can go through a timeshare exit company, try to sell it yourself through eBay, or contact a timeshare lawyer. These are three more popular ways to get out of Royal Villas Timeshare.

Through Timeshare Exit Companies

Many timeshare exit companies will help you sell your royal villa timeshare. These companies will often list your timeshare on their website or in a catalogue for interested buyers to browse. They will also handle all the paperwork and negotiations, so you don’t have to worry about anything. The downside to using a timeshare exit company is that they usually take a commission from the sale, so you may get less money for your timeshare than you would if you sold it yourself.

By Yourself Through eBay

Selling your Royal Villas timeshare on eBay is a great way to get rid of your property without paying any fees. You must take good pictures of the property and write a detailed description. Be sure to mention that the property is located in a desirable location and is a great deal. You should also mention any amenities that are included with the property.

Contact a Timeshare Lawyer

You should contact a timeshare lawyer if you are considering selling your Royal Villas timeshare. A Royal Villas timeshare lawyer can help you understand the process and your rights.

FAQs Royal Villas Timeshare

Can I cancel a timeshare contract?

The great majority of timeshare buyers have the option to cancel the agreement within a set period of time. Laws in the majority of states (as well as certain international nations) give timeshare buyers at least a few days—typically between three and fifteen—to revoke the contract.

How much does it cost to cancel a timeshare?

from $4,001 to $15,001 Lawyers typically bill between $4,000 and $15,000 to represent unhappy timeshare owners who want to leave. To completely dissolve the timeshare deal, attorneys may need a few months to a few years.

How can I legally get out of my timeshare?

Consider these options to legally leave a timeshare: Utilize the cancellation period. Contact the timeshare creator. Timeshares can be rented out. Purchase a timeshare and resell it (but expect to take a hit). Give a friend, family member, or complete stranger your timeshare

Can I walk away from my timeshare?

The majority of timeshare providers won’t accept returns, unless you’re still inside a brief “cooling off” period. You might be eligible to break your timeshare agreement if you just recently purchased it (which means to cancel it).

What happens if I just stop paying my timeshare?

You will probably go into default on your timeshare ownership if you stop paying your maintenance costs. This harms you and your credit in addition to harming the resort. The resort reclaims possession, much like when a home goes into foreclosure, and it will continue to appear on your credit record.

Can I sell my timeshare and get money back?

You can sell your timeshare interest back to the resort developer through deed-back programmes. A deed back technically results in no monetary compensation for you, however it can result in some savings on your future mortgage payment and maintenance cost.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, if you’re wondering how to eliminate a timeshare at Royal Villas, you must move quickly! 

  • Timeshares can quickly become a terrible burden if you do not take the necessary steps to eliminate them. 
  • Consider all your options to eliminate a Royal Villas timeshare. 
  • You may be able to negotiate with the timeshare company to cancel your contract, or you may be able to transfer your timeshare to another party. 
  • Finally, if everything fails, you may need to hire a timeshare exit company to help terminate your contract. 
  • No matter your choice, it is important to act quickly to avoid a long-term financial burden.

Take the right step towards financial freedom.  There are numerous timeshare scams every year; protect yourself. Contact our team to help determine if a timeshare exit company is legitimate. We ALWAYS recommend working with timeshare exit companies that offer escrow so you pay no up-front fees. Know your legal rights so you can exit your timeshare contract. Please review our website and fill out the form on the right, or contact us through Live Chat for a free informational consultation. 


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