We compare timeshare exit companies so you can make an informed decision.
Why you should trust MyTimeshareExitReviews? We compare timeshare exit companies so you can make an informed decision.

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Can A Timeshare Hurt My Credit Score?

If you go through a timeshare foreclosure, your credit score probably could drop past the point of no return. Here is what you need to know about timeshares and how they can hurt your credit score:

  1. What is a foreclosure? How can it happen?
  2. How can you fix your credit score?
  3. How long does credit repair take?
  4. How to get extra help with credit repair?

What is Foreclosure?

According to FICO, a foreclosure could lower a person’s credit by 100 points or more. And even if the developer doesn’t report your foreclosure to a credit bureau, it will still become a public record. Rebuilding your credit can seem like forever. Luckily for you, our team has composed some helpful tips to guide you if your credit score is affected by a timeshare.

Timeshares were once considered a great investment but they are becoming a burden day by day. As yearly maintenance fees have increased every year, timeshares are turning into a nightmare for many owners. Even though timeshares do not impact your credit directly, there are several situations in which timeshares can have a bad effect on your credit.

If you buy a timeshare on a loan and you have missed a few of your timely payments or you are late in paying them due to any reason, the developer of the timeshare can report you to credit bureaus. As timeshares are a long-term investment, your financial situation may vary in the future which can result in late payments and then the report will hurt your credit score.

In case you keep missing your timeshare payments and not paying your bills, your timeshare will go into default. If your timeshare is defaulted, the developer’s last option would be to go for foreclosure. If your timeshare falls into foreclosure, it will badly affect your credit score and it might affect it for over ten years.

If you have bought a timeshare on loan and it adds up to your overall load of debt, your debt-to-income ratio will eventually increase. Banks or lenders consider this ratio before giving you any kind of loan like car loans etc and if the ratio is high you will face difficulties in getting any other kind of loan.

If you decide to cancel your timeshare after the rescission period, which is about 3 to 10 days where you can cancel your timeshare without a penalty, you will have to include a third party like an attorney to understand and guide you through the procedure or a resale company to provide a platform to advertise your timeshare, you will have to pay them. This will also lead to damage to your credit.

There have been cases of scams regarding timeshare reselling and renting as well. Owners of timeshare have been recently scammed by people which often results in financial losses. These financial issues can also lead to late or missed payments and this will badly influence your credit.

With time, legal issues may occur with your timeshare, this will result in you paying several kinds of legal fees which will most definitely have a bad influence on your credit score.

These are a few of the many bad effects a timeshare can have on your credit score. This leads to the conclusion that a timeshare is more of a liability than a profitable investment or a future asset that can be passed on to future generations.

There are a few ways to protect your credit score from the bad effects of your timeshare. The first and foremost thing is to research before buying a timeshare. You should know everything about the thing you are about to invest your precious money in.

After being clear about what timeshares are, if you still want to buy a timeshare, you should research the developers, in-demand locations, and all the other factors like the legal procedures, the terms, and conditions, etc. Make sure to consider your long-term financial situation so you do not miss any payments or even be late in paying them to avoid bad effects on your credit.

When signing the contract, make sure to read the policies, terms, and conditions very carefully, especially the ones that are related to any kind of payments, fees or bills, etc, as well as the exit options.

If you are having financial problems and having difficulty paying the mortgage or maintenance fees after buying your timeshare, you should immediately contact your developer so they can help you by coming up with any possible solutions to these issues. If you are thinking about selling your timeshare or even renting it out, make sure that the third party you are consulting is legit and not a scammer so that you do not lose any money or any kind of other asset.

In conclusion, being cautious, and keeping your research thorough, and well-informed about your financial stability can save you from losing your credit score if you have invested or are about to invest in a timeshare.

How to Fix Your Credit by Yourself

Bad credit can remain on your report for 7-10 years, and there’s no quick way of fixing it. Credit factors such as missed or late payments, bankruptcies, being sent to collections, or in this case, a timeshare foreclosure can genuinely put your credit score in jeopardy. Below are a couple of steps you can take to start rebuilding your credit score on your own.

Improve Your Payment History

Maintaining a “current” status on your payments will always have a positive impact on your score. The more missed payments that you, the more these negative marks will drive down your credit score.

Be Cautious of New Credit Accounts

Opening numerous credit accounts within a short period could drop your credit score as well. Stay in control, and open credit lines at a steady pace.

Take Into Consideration the Number of Accounts

Multiple accounts, all with credit card debt, can drastically lower your credit score as well. You should start paying some of these accounts off. However, the accounts in good debt standings can be beneficial if you leave them open and pay them off with time.

Credit Utilization Ratio

Your credit utilization ratio is the sum of all your debt, divided by the total credit, then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage. The lower the credit utilization ratio, the less negative impact it will have on your score. In other words, keep your balances low.

Stay In Control

You should start with knowing what is on your credit report. This will give you a better idea of the areas you need to improve in. Also, you can catch any errors the credit bureau may have made. And do not miss any payments or these missed payments will stay on your credit report.

How Long Does Credit Repair Take?

Disputing information on your credit report can take up to 30 days for the investigation. Any disputes that the credit bureau deems valid will automatically remove this information from your report. Updating your account status after this phase in the process can also take 30 days or more.

How To Get Extra Help With Credit Repair

Credit Repair companies’ roles are to dispute any negative information on your credit reports. The Credit Repair Organizations Act (CROA) is a federal law that became effective on September 30, 1996, due to many consumers who were victims of a credit repair scam.

The law states credit repair service companies:

  • Cannot take any up-front fees until they have completed the services they promise.
  • It has to provide its customers with a written contract.
  • Cannot ask or suggest that you mislead credit reporting companies about your accounts.
  • Cannot knowingly make deceptive or false claims about their services.
  • Cannot ask you to sign anything that mentions you are forfeiting your rights under CROA.

Credit repair companies usually charge a monthly fee for their services. In some cases, some companies charge a flat fee for each item they delete an item from your report.

A typical monthly subscription can range from $75-$90 per month, but it does depend on the company. Flat fees to remove items from your report can start at $50 per item. Keep in mind that credit repair companies cannot have accurately reported information, such as late payments, removed. Most credit repair companies don’t have any special privileges or access to credit bureaus, which is why the credit repair company we would recommend is the US Credit Bureau.

Remember, time is running out, and each day that passes can be crucial to your credit score. The US Credit Bureau has a strong track in the credit repair industry and has had much success with timeshare owners affected by a timeshare foreclosure.

Still, everyone’s situation does vary. This is why we recommend you always reach out to us to help you find the best solution to your timeshare problems. Remember, the sooner you act, the sooner your freedom begins!

Final Thoughts

If you ever encounter a company that says it can repair your credit post timeshare foreclosure, make sure you verify some of the claims they make.

When it comes to credit repair, you can’t legally remove accurate information from your report until it becomes outdated. This can lead to many credit repair scams if you’re not careful. Unfortunately, the credit repair industry can be tricky if you’re not careful. We recommend you read over our website, fill out the form on the right, or contact us through Live Chat for a free personalized consultation.

We’ll help you determine if credit repair services are right for you. Our team recommends working with trustworthy repair companies with no up-front fees until their exit services have been completed. Learn more about how you can avoid a credit repair scam now!

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